How Much Is Online Therapy
According to ZipRecruiter the average pay of an online therapist is 64428. In contrast an MFT is likely to charge an average of 100 for each session. How Much Does Therapy Cost Can I Afford To See A Counselor Betterhelp Relationship-centered therapy that connects you and your partner. How much is online therapy . Online therapy has been proven to have the same efficacy as in-office therapy and is typically much more affordable often less than half the cost of traditional therapy. There are a number of reasons why a person might choose an online therapy option including the convenience and. That places the price range of online therapy at anywhere from 160 to 400 per month subject to how many live therapy sessions youd like each month and how many months in advance you are willing to pay for. That equates to 31 an hour. This is mostly due to the fact that online counseling requires less overhead than therapists who work in an office. This type of therapy has limitations but...