How To Know What Bra Size You Are
The combination of band size and cup size indicates the proper bra to purchase. Find Your Band Size Make sure to wear a lightly-lined or unpadded bra before measuring your band size. Bra Size Calculator How To Find Out Your Real Cup Size Who What Wear Uk For example if your band size is 34 but your bust size is 37 then your bra size is 34C difference of 3 again means its a C cup. How to know what bra size you are . Bra size is determined by taking two measurements around the bust to determine band size and cup size. However band sizes come in different measurements in different countries in that sizes such as small medium and large equate to different measurements. You ask them to compare their girlfriends boobs to either a lemon an apple an orange or a grapefruit and from that you can get a rough estimate of their bra size Youre kidding. For example if your band was 34 inches and. Best Bra for you how to know your Bra size HOTBestbracollactionbrasizehotsexylovehotbrasmoot...